Music In my SOUL

Hye ! welcome to my blog , jgn segan2 nak drop comment kay ? Dah baca tu follow lahh . Ybb~ .

I wanna cry :')

Hye Asslamualaikum ,how your day today?
I hope all of you happy :)
Yeeheeeee ! I'm feel sad when I know the truth. But it fine. It not too bad because I already through it for the second time. And know what ? I just laugh without no tears. But it only for a few second. Hahaha ,aku dah syak dah weh, dari time kau msg aku n tanya psal dia, hihi, and Ijust act cool jer. now, ahaa! I got a evidence yesterday? why I'm so stupid? Hahah, my girlprenn mmg lawa, heee~ I know that, aku tak leh lawan kecantikan dia, dah ni jer yg tuhan kasi kat aku, and I'm happy with it. So, know I'll not Syok Sndiri lagi kay? serius kisah aku dah mcm dalam komik! Kihkihkih , satu girl suka satu boy, that boy pulak rapat dgn that girl. that girl dah mula Syok Sendiri dah tuh. But lastly, that boy suka kawan girl uh. Hahah, ada dalam komik kan? Yeahh, saya dah laluinya ! Bangga? No way! Ya Allah, boleh tak kalau lepas ni aku tak jatuh cinta dah? just make me single. until the perfect time :)Aku just takut, takut aku tak boleh nak happy bila semua benda ni ada kat kepala aku. I'll not perasan lagi! yeahh! I hope I'll . Thankss A.K.K for the truth! ILY <3

Kthankss for reading. Kbyee ;)

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